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Hello Everyone

Thank you for passing by my site... 

My name is Sarah I am a Freelance 3D Artist 

I have been playing around with art programmes since 2004 with PSP Pro 7 and Photoshop until a friend introduced me to an art programme called Bryce 5,5 back in 2006.  That was when my adventures started and my imagination went wild. I have played with Poser, Daz Studio for awhile. even got into Digital Scrapbooking for a couple of years I enjoyed making Scrap kits.  

 In 2011 my life changed I moved to another country and it took me many years to get back in to  creating things again. I still played around with Photoshop and Illustrator and Microsoft Publisher and Word.  Couple of months ago I took out  Bryce Pro 7.1 and  my adventures has started again !. 

In 2020 I did my Graphic Design course and now I am a qualified graphic designer with Photoshop, Indesign and Illustrator 

My new adventure is creating bookmarks and other stationery products and spreading the Word of God around the world. I listen to Worship songs and I let the Holy Spirit guide me as I create. 

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you John 14 : 16 

If you would like to get in touch please use my online form and I will get back to you . Hope to hear from you soon 

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